Yesterday Linda and one of her many supporters held a meeting in the offices of Dr Hywel Francis MP, ( pictured above ) Linda's Member Of Parliament who also happens to be Chair of the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights.
Although I was not allowed into the meeting the following article is based on the extensive notes that were taken by James who was more than capable in offering support to Linda.
Dr Francis had been involved in the early days of Linda's fight but had stopped assisting Linda as he was reluctant to do so due to him believing that the injunction placed on what had happened to Linda was valid in law.
This is no longer the case.
It was made abundantly clear to Dr Francis and his case worker Mr Les Rees that new evidence had come to light.
The question was put to Dr Francis.
" Were you aware in 2002 from the letters that you sent me that a supposed " Suicide Pact " stating that I was going to kill myself and my daughter was the reason that my daughter was taken from my care ? "
Dr Francis was astounded by what Linda had just stated and replied
"Absolutely not. If I had known this then I would certainly have told you."
This was confirmed by Les Rees a former Magistrate who Linda has known and got on very well with for many years.
So it appears that the non existent letter invented by the former Welsh Assembly Government Inspector of Social Services David Johnston ( pictured above ) was deliberately hidden from the local MP but obviously WAS available to criminal members of Neath Port Talbot Council Social Services and others within that local authority.
Dr Francis then suggested that based on this evidence Linda should immediately go back into court to have all restrictions and injunctions lifted.
This suggestion was rejected by Linda as that the responsibility now lay firmly in the hands of the Welsh Assembly Government to do so as she had done no wrong.
This fraudulent and wholly criminal injunction had been obtained by the Welsh Assembly Government in collusion with Neath Port Talbot Social Services as well as the Councils Legal Department and it is their responsibility to put this right.
Both Dr Francis and Les Rees accepted what Linda had just said and agreed.
Linda then went on to mention that she has a letter from a well known Queens Council ( who for the moment shall remain unnamed ) who has now retired and finished her career as a Deputy High Court Judge who states that when she represented Linda in court in 1998 she was UNAWARE of any " suicide pact " and had NO KNOWLEDGE of such evidence.
I don't think I really need to say that Dr Francis and Les Rees were gobsmacked by this.
Dr Francis asked to be provided with a copy of this letter to which Linda agreed when she can obtain a copy from one of her many supporters who hold all evidence on disc.
Linda then presented a few pages from the " Guardian Ad Litems Report " from 1998 of which Linda had never seen until an anonymous source ( with a conscience ) placed it through Linda's letterbox in August last year.
Whoever you are " God Bless You."
For those of you who do not know this.
The role of the "Guardian Ad Litem " is meant to be totally independent. This person is supposed to assess all the evidence without influence from those involved and is supposed to act in the best interests of the child. The Guardian Ad Litem can only be appointed by the court.
We also have documents from Dr Dewi Evans ( pictured above ) stating that " It was about time WE appointed a Guardian Ad Litem."
Due also to his continued misdiagnosis of Linda's daughters illness Dewi Evans would have been part of a substantial medical negligence claim which had already been started by Linda's family.
No wonder Dr Dewi Evans was so desperate to remove Linda's daughter from her care by hook or by crook so that the medical negligence claim could be quashed.
Dr Dewi Evan we also believe was at the time of the kidnapping also an elected Councillor on Neath Port Talbot Council ( West Glamorgan Council as it was then known ) ! Conflict of interests anyone ?
Surely Councillor Doctor Dewi Evans would have not abused his position on the council to obtain documents from the then Head of Social Services or the " Child Kidnapper " Julie Rzezniczek" to enhance his position would he ?
Dr Dewi Evans role in what has happened to Linda and her daughter borders on the psychotic.
Let's not forget that amongst other things he wrote out a report on Linda Lewis claiming that she was " Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy " when he had never met her.
He also attended court in South Wales when Linda was quite legally in America asking for an " Interim Care Order " on the grounds that Linda was Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy" !
Back to the " Guardian Ad Litem " Carole Thomas.
I don't think that any sane person could say that she acted in a " neutral " capacity or had the best interests ever of the child at heart.
Just look at the heart breaking letter smuggled out to Linda by her very sick 12 year old daughter dated June 1998 months before any court case had taken place to make a decision on the child's future.
How could Carole Thomas be so cruel ?
Just read the text on the left of the letter above.
" I told the guardian that I am still in pain and I wanted to speak to the judge and want to go home. She told me no and she said who's going to believe you know ? "
It is obvious that Carole Thomas was there to do a job on behalf of the Welsh Assembly Government and Neath Port Talbot Council Social Services to fabricate evidence against innocent mother Linda Lewis so that her daughter could be taken from her care , never be returned to stop the on-going medical negligence case against Dr Dewi Evans and others.
To add insult to injury Carole Thomas recommended in her report to Lord Justice Sumner KT in 1998 that Linda's daughter be removed from her care because Linda was going to kill her.
She asked the judge to impose not just an injunction on this case so that the crimes committed by the many could remain hidden but a Section 91(14) Order which is also known as a " Never Ending Story Order " was placed on Linda.
Probably the most " Draconian Injunction " out there meaning that anytime Linda went into court to appeal against this injunction she was always going to lose because of the Section 91(14) Order.
Full information on a Section 91(14) Order can be read by clicking here but it is worth noting the following :-
"Authority is clear that the court should not make a barring order unless both parties have been given advance warning and an opportunity to tell the court what they think about the suggestion, particularly if they do not have a lawyer."
I would imagine it would be a bit difficult for Linda or her QC to argue against this considering they were never allowed sight of the Guardian Ad Litems report.
A lot more was said at the meeting specifically about the criminal activities of Mr David Michael, The Head Of Legal Services at Neath Port Talbot Council who knowingly applied for another injunction against Linda Lewis in 2008 with full knowledge that he had no lawful paperwork to back it up.
More on this in a later article.
After all these years at last people are realising that this is indeed a very serious " Criminal Case."
Over to you Carwyn Jones.